What would you like to offer?
Treat a loved one by offering tickets to hot baths and treatments at the Nature Spa:
Pendant les périodes de vacances scolaires et période de haute affluence nous limitons la durée des bains à 2H |
Treat a loved one by offering tickets to hot baths and treatments at the Nature Spa:
2h swimming in hot spring baths
Free access to the thermoludic aqua-play area (indoor and outdoor pools) for adults and children.
Free access to the well-being area (hammam, sauna, cold water path, etc.) for adults only.
2h swimming in hot spring baths for a 3-11 years old child
Free access to the thermoludic aqua-play area (indoor and outdoor pools)
2h swimming in hot spring baths
Free access to the thermoludic aqua-play area (indoor and outdoor pools) and well-being area (hammam, sauna, cold water path, etc.).
At the time of booking, the recipient of the gift voucher will be able to choose between the Llo relaxing massage or a scubbing (see details).
Bath entry included.
Moisturizing treatment suitable for all skin types and all ages. It includes skin cleansing, facial massage and mask application.
The Bath entry is included.
At the time of booking, the gift voucher receiver will be able to choose between Massage + Medy or Massage + Balneotherapy Treatment (see details).
Bath entry included.
At the time of booking, the recipient of the gift voucher will be able to choose between the beauty massage, the cocooning massage or the candle massage (see details).
Bath entry included.
At the time of booking, the recipient of the gift voucher will be able to choose between the LLO escape, the catalan escape, the cocooning escape or the spicy escape (see details).
Bath entry included.
For 2 people: a relaxing 30-minute massage and a Médyjet treatment (see details).
Bath entry for 2 people included.
This getaway is designed for 2 people. It consists of 3 treatments per person: a relaxing 30-minute massage, a Médyjet treatment and a balneotherapy treatment (see details).
Entrance to the baths for 2 people is included with the treatment.
Las principales propiedades del agua sulfurosa
Las aguas cálidas de Llo son naturalmente ricas en azufre y sodio, lo que les confiere reconocidas propiedades para la relajación, el cuidado de la piel y el cabello, y los dolores reumáticos o musculares.
¿Por qué es tan beneficiosa el agua sulfurosa de los Baños de LLO?
La piel absorbe los minerales más fácilmente con agua caliente.
El azufre, elemento esencial de nuestro metabolismo, puede ser asimilado en forma orgánica. Se utiliza tradicionalmente para el dolor de las articulaciones o el cuidado de la piel y el cabello. También es el soporte mineral del "plancton térmico" utilizado en la cosmetología.
El drenaje linfático es mejorado por la presión hidrostática asociada a la inmersión en un baño.
Los hydromasajes son una fuente de relajación muscular y alivian las articulaciones.
Los baños de burbujas estimulan la pel con un masaje superficial y proporcionan una relajación adicional para "soltarse".
El hammam y la sauna favorecen la eliminación de toxinas y dilatación de los poros para una profunda purificación.
The main properties of sulfurous water
Llo's warm waters are naturally rich in sulphur and sodium, which gives them recognized properties for relaxation, skin and hair care, rheumatic or muscular pain.
Why is the sulphurous water of Bains de LLO so beneficial?
The skin absorbs minerals more easily with hot water.
The sulphur, essential element of our metabolism, can be assimilated in the organic form. It is traditionally used for joint pain or skin and hair care. It is also the mineral support of the "thermal plankton" used in cosmetology.
Lymphatic drainage is improved by the hydrostatic pressure associated with immersion in a bath.
The hydromassages are a source of muscular relaxation and relieve the joints.
The whirlpools stimulate the skin with a superficial massage and provide additional relaxation enabling the"letting go" phase.
The hammam and sauna promote the elimination of toxins and the dilation of pores for a deep purification.
7:30 p.m.: Start of Night admissions
From 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.: Welcome cocktail in the Baths
10:30 p.m.: Evacuation of the pools (indoor and outdoor)
Closing of the changing rooms at 11 p.m.
Get ready to have a great time!
Note: Possibility of accessing the Bar on the reception side for snacks until 10:30 p.m. Not included in the price
Valid only for a purchase made at least the previous day.
Valid only for a purchase made at least the previous day.
Admission for 2 adults and 2 children of less than 14 years old.
Valid only for a purchase made at least the previous day.
7:30 p.m.: Start of Night admissions
From 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.: Welcome cocktail in the Baths
10:30 p.m.: Evacuation of the pools (indoor and outdoor)
Closing of the changing rooms at 11 p.m.
Get ready to have a great time!
Note: Possibility of accessing the Bar on the reception side for snacks until 10:30 p.m. Not included in the price
Valid only for a purchase made at least the previous day.
Valid only for a purchase made at least the previous day.
Admission for 2 adults and 2 children of less than 14 years old.
Valid only for a purchase made at least the previous day.
7:30 p.m.: Start of Night admissions
From 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.: Welcome cocktail in the Baths
10:30 p.m.: Evacuation of the pools (indoor and outdoor)
Closing of the changing rooms at 11 p.m.
Get ready to have a great time!
Note: Possibility of accessing the Bar on the reception side for snacks until 10:30 p.m. Not included in the price
Valid only for a purchase made at least the previous day.
Valid only for a purchase made at least the previous day.
Admission for 2 adults and 2 children of less than 14 years old.
Valid only for a purchase made at least the previous day.
Les principales propriétés de l’eau sulfureuse
Les eaux chaudes de Llo sont naturellement riches en soufre et sodium, ce qui leur confère des propriétés reconnues pour la relaxation, les soins de la peau et des cheveux, les douleurs rhumatismales ou musculaires.
Pourquoi l’eau sulfureuse des Bains de LLO est-elle si bénéfique ?
La peau absorbe plus facilement les minéraux grâce à l’eau chaude.
Le soufre, élément essentiel de notre métabolisme, peut être assimilé sous forme organique. Il est traditionnellement utilisé dans les douleurs articulaires ou les soins de la peau et des cheveux. C’est aussi le support minéral du « plancton thermal » utilisé en cosmétologie.
Le drainage lymphatique est amélioré par la pression hydrostatique liée à l’immersion dans un bain.
Les hydromassages sont source de relaxation musculaire et soulagent les articulations.
Les bains bouillonnants stimulent la peau par un massage superficiel et procurent une détente supplémentaire permettant le « lâcher prise ».
Le hammam et le sauna favorisent l’élimination des toxines et la dilatation des pores pour une purification en profondeur.